A year-end recap of the "Leadership That Works" newsletter
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2024's Best Leadership Lessons to Carry You into 2025

Our regular Leadership That Works newsletter, a monthly roundup of the best leadership links from around the web, is on hiatus this month. Instead, we offer you a new year's eve roundup of all the newsletters from this past year, chock-full of leadership insights to carry you into 2025.

And, as a bonus at the end, we share a new year's quote and note from our Founder, Doug Conant.

Happy new year! If you'd like to work with us in 2025, get in touch here, or grab a spot on our calendar.

January β€” 5 Ways to Get Unstuck
In this edition of the newsletter: 5 ways to get unstuck, 9 workplace trends to watch, an assessment for employee engagement, a breakdown of β€˜psychological contracts,’ understanding β€˜brainwriting,’ and more.

February β€” Future-Proof Your Mindset
In this edition of the newsletter: Future-proof your mindset, the top 3 predictors of employee satisfaction, how to live your values, a guide to practicing β€˜growth-oriented’ accountability, and more.

March β€” 4 Questions to Jumpstart Culture Change
In this edition of the newsletter: 4 questions to jumpstart culture change, why you shouldn't avoid tough topics, how to sell your ideas, the difference between analysis and understanding, why β€˜transformational’ leadership is better than β€˜transactional’ leadership, and more.

April β€” 6 CEO Strategies for Thriving in Chaos
In this edition of the newsletter: 6 CEO strategies for thriving in chaos, how to close the workplace well-being gap, normalize and manage conflict, a practical guide to 'happierness,' 4 thinking traps to avoid in stressful situations, and more.

May β€” 'Good Enough' Is Better Than Perfect
In this edition of the newsletter: Why 'good enough' is better than perfect, how to build a better learning culture, tips for leading through 'change fatigue,' the power of rituals, why the future of technology is human, and more.

June β€” The Secret of 'Empowered' Accountability
In this edition of the newsletter: The secret of 'empowered' accountability, how to meet your employees in the middle, a framework for better listening, the power of 'slow productivity,' and more.

July β€” 8 Principles for Innovation
In this edition of the newsletter: 8 principles for innovation, how to keep growing, the right way to celebrate, why boards pick the wrong CEOs, and more.

August β€” 'Wisdom Work' > 'Knowledge Work'
In this edition of the newsletter: Why 'wisdom work' trumps 'knowledge work,' debunking leadership development myths, CEO lessons from the CIA, how to build your 'not knowing' tolerance, and more.

September β€” The Power of 'Emotional Inclusion'
In this edition of the newsletter: The power of 'emotional inclusion,' a trend of 'unbossing,' why upskilling is an upside in the talent wars, how to better develop leaders, get smarter with the 'protege effect,' and more.

October β€” Why Leaders Need 'Purposeful Play'
In this edition of the newsletter: Why leaders need 'purposeful play,' how to assess your self-trust, the wisdom of 'imperfectionism,' the power of 'micro-interactions,' a guide for connecting to others in polarizing times, and more.

November β€” Gratitude Is All in the Timing
In this edition of the newsletter: Gratitude is all in the timing, purpose makes you live longer, the art of 'savoring,' a framework for stakeholder relationships, why you should sweat the small stuff, and more.

    Bonus: A Note and a Quote from Doug Conant

    From Doug: "At the end of every year I search for a quote or thought that best captures a compelling proposition for the coming year.

    For 2025, the thought comes from a quote most often attributed to Albert Camus (although some sources disagree on its provenance). No matter their origin, these words of wisdom encourage us all to look within and discover our 'invincible' capacity to thrive in the face of adversity, and to find the fortitude to weather life’s ups and downs, no matter the season.

    This thinking in the quote below is beautifully aligned with our BLUEPRINT leadership approach, which holds that each of us has tremendous inner strength waiting to be discovered.

    As we transition into 2025, may we all seek our 'invincible summer' in the midst of winter, as we celebrate with friends and family, set intentions, and make plans for a better tomorrow. Happy new year!"


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