A curated monthly digest of the best leadership links from around the web.
January 2021 In the first Leadership That Works Newsletter of the new year: Beat WFH burnout, fix your focus, learn to speak up, and more.
Leaders Must Ask, 'Is It Right?'
This month we observed Martin Luther King Jr. Day, celebrating the life and achievements of one our nation's most honored, influential, and effective civil rights leaders. In a speech MLK gave in 1967 entitled "America's Chief Moral Dilemma," he said the following: "And we must know on some positions, cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' Vanity
asks the question, 'Is it popular?' But conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there’re times when you must take a stand that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but you must do it because it is right." Now, more than ever, leaders would do well to heed his advice. Read more of the transcript of this powerful speech in The Atlantic.
Battling the 'Infodemic'
A comprehensive report released this month, the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer, which surveyed over 33,000 respondents in 28 countries, finds "an epidemic of misinformation and widespread mistrust of societal institutions and leaders around the world." Among the most compelling insights revealed is a broader mandate for leadership in an age of
anxiety—with 68% expecting CEOs to "fill the void left by government in fixing societal problems," and 86% hungering for leaders to show the way on issues such as the pandemic, job loss, climate change and racial justice. A majority of those surveyed feel fatigued by rampant disinformation—an "infodemic"—and are increasingly looking to their employers for reliable information rather than seeking news from the media or government. The report urges leaders to respond by acting on a
broader set of concerns for society, providing trustworthy content, using facts and empathy, and forging smart partnerships. For more, read the full report and the robust slate of actionable insights.
"Focus is the basis for high performance," says this article in potential project, but "67% of leaders describe their minds as cluttered," and 65% "fail to complete their tasks," representing a huge opportunity
for improved effectiveness. Much has been written about optimizing and maintaining focus but new research reveals some areas that may have been overlooked—the most powerful of which is understanding your daily "focus pattern." By analyzing your attention and energy levels throughout the day, you can begin to redesign your schedule with a view towards planning important activities around the times when your focus it as its peak. Read the full article for all the focus-enhancing tips and tidbits.
"If you figure out how to make a goal easier, you're more likely to succeed," explains this New York Times self-help piece on achieving your dreams for 2021. Although the article has a health
focus, it contains helpful tips for habit-building that apply across disciplines and goal-types. Habit science shows that the key to making an objective more approachable is "reducing friction," which entails "removing an obstacle or coming up with a strategy that makes a task easier to do." To kick friction to the curb, you have to understand its three primary incarnations—distance, time, and effort—and reduce the constraints from at least one of them. No matter the goal, start by asking yourself, "what would make it easier for me to do this?" and go from there. Read the full post to get all the insights and examples for building better habits this year.
**For more on habit science, explore The Blueprint, which advocates an incremental, small-steps approach for reaching your leadership goals and stewarding people through turbulence.
Silence Is a Risk
As an unending tide of urgent societal issues surface daily in the global debate, today's corporate leaders must be prepared to know both when and how to speak up. CECP ( Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose) CEO Daryl Brewster has penned a step-by-step, how-to guide for leaders faced with responding to a bevy of high-stakes issues—including "race and racism, diversity, inclusion, equity, civic engagement, gender identity, gender and sexual violence, marriage equality, immigration, poverty, gun control, climate change,
abortion, religion freedoms," and more. While not every topic requires a statement, when deciding whether or not to add their voice to a specific issue, leaders should consider that, "silence is a risk; stakeholders demand to know what a company believes about an issue and the actions it will take to address it." If you decide to engage on an issue that aligns with company values, "consistency and legitimacy are key." Read the entire list of recommendations and questions for reflection on CECP's website.
Just Say No If 2020 taught us anything, it's that uncertainty is the new normal; we've habituated to the unknown. But we still have to plan for the future, prioritize, and get things done. "When the future is uncertain, we need our priorities to be blazingly obvious to us all the time," asserts this wise how-to post in Greater Good Magazine. When we allow the uncertainty of the world at large to encroach on the clarity of our to-do list, we can easily become overwhelmed by the crush of responsibilities and tasks. The article offers a simple solution: As leaders, "we need to decide on our top priorities and then spend 95% of our time doing only those activities," and with diligence, even near-militance, we must begin "saying 'no' to everything else." One way to do this is make a "top five" list and devote the majority of our time to those five things, leaving a few hours or so each week to deal with everything else. This practice can be supported with shrewd tactics for structuring and "time-blocking" all of which is covered in the full post.
Recent Posts & Insights from ConantLeadership
CEOs Must Find Their Courage
"True leadership competence is contingent upon your ability to develop courage," wrote Doug Conant in this Chief Executive excerpt from The Blueprint that
challenges leaders to find their strength and bravely answer the unique call of leadership in 2021 and beyond.
How to Lead Change No Matter Your Job Title
In times of chaos and complexity, people naturally look to leaders to inspire action and chart the course forward. What if that leader—the person making a difference—could be you? In this popular 2020 post, we share three guiding thoughts and a simple framework that
will help you roll up your sleeves and get started.
Growth Starts with You
In this excerpted passage from The Blueprint in Training Magazine, Doug shares a story from graduate school where a revered professor challenged him to do better after he showed up to class not having completed the required homework. In that moment, Doug
understood the power of challenging yourself and others to continuously improve and to embody a growth mindset. And he held that lesson with him throughout his leadership journey. Learn how to spread an improvement mindset outwards from within in the full article here.
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Announcing our new bookstore.
Our exclusive bookstore is now live. Today is the last day we are offering signed books at a special price for the new year: just $15 including free shipping through midnight tonight. As we rejoice in bringing a close to
2020 and welcome a new season of life and leadership in 2021, this is a celebratory offer just for you—our valued members of the ConantLeadership community.